
Psycho Pass


In the future, even just thinking about a crime is enough to make you guilty – and justice is dispensed from the barrel of a gun. Detectives work in teams made up of Enforcers and Inspectors. Enforcers take out the bad guys, and Inspectors make sure their partners don’t cross the fine line between good and evil. The great equalizer in the war against thugs is the Dominator, a futuristic weapon that can read minds and assess the probability that a citizen will turn criminal. There are no trials. Only Enforcers, Inspectors, and the Dominator. Commit a crime in your mind – and the Dominator will make sure you pay the ultimate price.
- FUNimation

FUNimation streaming
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi

An interesting anime that focus on a society where human's criminal mindset can be measured. Stress level that can be measure with a specialized weapon and justice being brought upon those who committed crimes, how will people think and act according to these set laws?

I like how the story explain the reasons behind this system and how it works. It also show the pros and cons of this system, and how humans differentiate between what is good, bad, right, and wrong according to each person's value.

I recommend giving this anime a watch for those who are interests in a sci-fi story, with a splash of detectives at work under a watchful eye of an elaborate system. Also, there will be some horrific and gory scenes so you have been warned! This show is consider as "MA" or "Mature Audience" so be cautious of your own age and mindset level before watching this show.

If you can still retain an okay mindset after watching this show, then I hope you enjoyed how this show was crafted in an intriguing way to make you think and question about how society and individuals deal and compromise with each other within this story.

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